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- |How To Program In ARexx - Part 2
- By CROW of The LOC
- Have you read part 1 of this series, if you have no idea about ARexx I
- would strongly recommend that you do. In this article I will try to
- cover how to create, read and write files and also how to create menus.
- With all file operations the open function/procedure is used, the open
- has the following structure :-
- boolean = Open(file, name, [Mode])
- file = reference variable for that file.
- name = is the path and filename.
- mode = what the user wants to do with the file.
- Mode values are R = Read (default), W = Write, A = Append.
- If everything went ok TRUE is returned otherwise FALSE is returned.
- Creating a file - this example also tells the user if something went
- wrong. If everything went ok, then you should have a file called
- tempfile in your RAM: disk with a size of zero bytes.
- /* Example 11 */
- If Open("tempfile", "RAM:Tempfile", "W") Then
- Call Close("tempfile"
- Else
- Say "Unable To Create File, in RAM:"
- Creating and writing to a file - this time more flexible with constants.
- NOTE :- to signify a block use Do then End, (BEGIN END for Pascal
- experts!), if you want more than one statement to be run following a
- condition then you have to put a Do and an End Around them or you will
- get an error or weird results.
- /* Example 12 */
- fileptr = "tempfile"
- path = "RAM:TempFile"
- If Open(fileptr, path, "W") Then Do /* Here is A DO */
- Call Writeln(fileptr, "This is Line 1")
- Call Writeln(fileptr, "This is Line 2")
- Call Writeln(fileptr, "This is Line 3")
- Call Close(fileptr)
- End /* Here is A END */
- Else
- Say "Unable to create and write file..."
- Opening a file and reading the contents.
- /* Example 13 */
- fileptr = "tempfile"
- path = "RAM:TempFile"
- If Open(fileptr, path, "R") Then Do
- Do While ~Eof(fileptr) /* While NOT End Of File */
- Say Readln(fileptr) /* Read A Line Of Characters */
- End
- Call Close(fileptr)
- End
- Else
- Say "Unable to open and read file..."
- Creating a menu with validation so invalid options are not processed,
- also shows how to write procedures.
- /* Example 14 */
- CR = '0A'x /* CR = Carriage Return */
- FF = '0C'x /* FF = FormFeed (Clear Screen) */
- ClearScreen = FF || CR /* || = concatenate : means Join together */
- Do Forever
- Say ClearScreen
- Say " (A) - Archive"
- Say " (B) - Batch"
- Say " (C) - Catch"
- Say ""
- Say " (X) - Exit"
- Say ""
- Options Prompt "Enter Choice : "; pull choice 2
- Choice = Upper(Chocie)
- If Choice = "X" Then Do /* This is where we Quit */
- Say "Exiting..."
- Exit
- End
- Else If Choice = "A" Then Do
- Say "Archive"
- Call WaitForCR()
- End
- Else If Choice = "B" Then Do
- Say "Batch"
- Call WaitForCR()
- End
- Else If Choice = "C" Then Do
- Say "Catch"
- Call WaitForCR()
- End
- End
- WaitForCR(): Procedure
- Say ""
- Options Prompt "Return to Continue"
- Do Until C==""
- Parse Pull c
- End
- Return
- NOTE : You may have noticed that when you use the function Say, that
- the cursor goes onto the next line this is not very useful when you have
- something like (run example 1 if you still do not know what i am
- wittering about ) :-
- Say "Enter Your Name : "
- Parse Pull name
- So to solve this little quirk, use the following instead :-
- Options Prompt "Enter Your Name : "
- Parse Pull name
- Now all you have to do is then redefine the prompt to what you want it
- do be after this piece of code.
- Procedures and Functions.
- In this part of the article I will try to cover how to create and use
- procedures and functions. The difference between a function and a
- procedure, is that a function is something whereas a procedure does
- something. Please note that this definition does not cover all high
- level language implementations of functions and procedures.In ARexx
- procedure and functions seem to merge so that you can write a procedure
- and function to do the same thing.
- This is a very simple example of how to define and use a procedure,
- variables defined in the procedure are only visible to the procedure
- (there are exceptions, that will be covered later). And variables and
- constants defined outside of the procedure are normally not visible to a
- procedure.
- /* Example 15 */
- Call PrettyLine()
- Exit
- PrettyLine: Procedure
- Say "/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\"
- Return
- This example shows the most basic example of passing an actual value
- back with the return statement, this is a function :-
- /* Example 16 */
- Say PI()
- Exit
- PI: /* This Is A Function */
- Return 3.14159
- Now lets show you how to pass values into a procedure, by altering the
- PrettyLine Procedure in Example 15 so we can specify type of char and
- number of chars to print :-
- /* Example 17 */
- Say PrintLine("*", 20) /* PrintLine( CharString, NoOfChars ) */
- Exit
- PrintLine: /* This Is A Function */
- character = arg(1) /* Get Character To Print */
- number = arg(2) /* Get Number Of Chars */
- line = "" /* Initialise Line */
- Do Number
- line = line || Character /* Make Line Of What Ever Char Is */
- End
- Return line
- The above example shows how to pass values to a function, it is quit
- flexible, as a whole string eg. "Hello" can be passed and not just a
- single character. The next example takes this slightly further by now
- adding another parameter so that we now can draw a rectangle instead of
- just a single line.
- /* Example 18 */
- Say PrintLine("*", 20, 10) /* PrintLine(CharString,NoOfChars,NoLines) */
- Exit
- PrintLine: /* This Is A Function */
- CR = "0A"x /* Carriage Return */
- character = arg(1) /* Get Character To Print */
- number = arg(2) /* Get Number Of Chars */
- nolines = arg(3) /* Get Number Of Lines */
- line = "" /* Initialise Line */
- Do number
- line = line || Character /* Make Line Of What Ever Char Is */
- End
- box = "" /* Initialise box */
- Do nolines
- box = box || line || CR
- End
- Return box
- The above example (18) uses the || symbol which is the concatenate
- symbol which is used to join two or more strings together.
- end.